Nyabinghi 7“ Roots Reggae Tune
Link Audio: https://soundcloud.com/psalmcollective/sets/live-up-right
Live up Right
Live Up Right is the title of the new song produced by Fahbro (Psalm Collective) with a prestigious featuring that bears the name of Ishmel McAnuff, son of the legendary Winston McAnuff.
The Roots-Reggae sounds, which have long been representative in Psalm Collective productions, are emphasized by a production that makes use of the talent of the Roots Chefs Band, a name behind which lies a host of musicians that Fahbro uses from time to time for instrumentals. In ‘Live Up Right’ there are: Meekman Drums (Percussion), Davide Luzi (Bass), Sy Sao (Melodica), Jake Sarli (Guitar), Armin (Flute), an international collective with proven experience and productivity.
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